The Rosetta House

Building a Brighter Future for Moms and Babies in Cape May County

Imagine a haven for pregnant women experiencing homelessness in Cape May County.
A place where they not only find safe shelter but also the nurturing support and
resources needed to build a brighter future for themselves and their babies. This vision
is at the heart of Cape Hope Advocates’ groundbreaking program, The Rosetta House,
otherwise known as Operation 1923.

More Than Shelter: The Rosetta House goes beyond providing a roof overhead. It
offers a supportive environment for up to 18 months, empowering mothers to thrive
during pregnancy and early parenthood.

Empowerment Through Services: We understand that the challenges faced by
homeless pregnant women are multifaceted. The Rosetta House addresses these
challenges head-on by offering a comprehensive suite of services:
Financial Literacy Workshops: Equip mothers with budgeting skills and knowledge to
manage finances effectively.

Employment Services: Provide job search assistance, career counseling, and training
opportunities for mothers to secure stable employment.

Educational Opportunities: Connect mothers with resources to continue their
education or acquire vocational skills that enhance future job prospects.

Parent Skill Workshops: Foster healthy parent-child relationships through nurturing
techniques and knowledge to raise happy and well-adjusted children.

A Safe and Nurturing Environment: The Rosetta House provides a safe space where
mothers can focus on their well-being and bond with their babies. They’ll have access

  • Comfortable and secure living quarters.
  • Nutritious meals and healthcare services for both mothers and babies.
  • On-site childcare to allow mothers to participate in educational and skill-building activities.
  • Supportive counseling services to address mental health concerns and build resilience.

A Stepping Stone to Success: The Rosetta House recognizes that the journey to self-
sufficiency takes time. Our program provides the tools and support mothers need to
transition back into independent living with confidence.

Together, we can rewrite the narrative for homeless pregnant women in Cape May
County. The Rosetta House offers hope, stability, and the opportunity to build a brighter
future for both mothers and their children.

Chaplain Denise South
Cape Hope, Inc